The heaviest snow in London in 18 years, with an accumulation of about 8 inches.
Oslo or Vienna - or even New York - would easily cope with that much snow. But without the infrastructure to clear the snow, it brought London to a complete standstill. The trains and buses were out of action for most of the day, and the airports were closed.

It felt like a "snow day" off work for the entire city. Many people took the day off because they couldn't get to the office on public transport, and the centre of town was extremely quiet. Parks were filled with adults making snowmen and throwing snowballs.

The courtyard of Burlington House, home of the Royal Academy.

A Land Rover, the best form of transport in this weather.

Outside a local pub.

Wow, talk about 'Winter Wonderland!' It looks absolutely lovely in London town. I hope that young and old alike enjoyed the rare weather. Thanks for posting these fun looking images.
I wish I had been there! Baltimore comes to a shuddering halt at a mere two or three inches!
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